Field of application
The customer is Nordic largest contract manufacturer of food products based in Finland. Pouches are one of the most important types of packaging for them. A campaign has been set up named ‘Pouch to Go’ to promote the pouch packaging. That’s what they call ‘An excellent package for new products’. They installed the RONAIR@ Pouch Dryer in their new packaging line. The dryer avoids that the corrugated cardboard sales units which contains several pouches, tears and lose their strength.
Concerns of the customer
- Different pouches pass the dryer.
- Hot filling +95°C and cold filling +4°C are both possibly.
- Different pouch sizes 90g – 120g – 140g – 250g and also sizes in between.
- The sales units which contains several pouches, are made of corrugated cardboard. The cardboard may not lose his strength.
- The bottom of the pouch must be as dry as the pouch itself.
- Packing material loss: maximum 0,1%.
- Product loss: maximum 0,05%.
- Hygienic design
- Noise level: as low as possible, not above 80 dB(A) at 1m.
The client validated the test reports of all the different pouch sizes tested in our testlab. The open and simple design of the Ronair@ Pouch Dryer reached the demand of the hygienic design. And, to the great enthusiasm of the customer, the Ronair@ Pouch Dryer not only succeeds all the necessary requirements, but dries perfectly the bottom of the pouch.
Happy customer in 3 reasons:
Perfect drying results of all the different pouches
Open and simple hygienic design
Blower without maintenance
Are you in need of a drying machine for pouches? Or are you looking for another drying solution?
Get in touch with Thibault. He is eager to help you.